Saturday, June 6, 2009

Life goes on............

even when I do not post! It's been a long while. Life is still continuing at an assiduous rate.

I thought summer was for resting. HA HA HA!!! But, I can honestly say, I enjoy being busy and having things "TO DO".

The kids have VBS this week and are excited about that.

Kathryn just turned 2o months old. WOW!

Audrey finished 3rd grade and will be 9 on the 22nd.

Alex finished kindergarten and we are finally celebrating his 6 bday this Friday(big deal, considering he's been 6 since April).

I finished 4th grade and Jim completed one year of Daddy DayCare!

We have just about packed everything up from our 2nd home at the ball field. Alex has his last game Monday and Audrey finished Thursday night.
We survived our first year of mommy going back to work! It was a challenge, but we persevered!!!

The Sunday after VBS, Audrey and I leave for Summer Church Camp, here. We're really excited about it! It's going to be a super sensational week of total Focus on Jesus!!! :) It just doesn't get any better than that!

The weekend we return we head to North Little Rock to shack up with my parents. I start the Summer Writing Institute at UCA for a full month! I cannot wait to begin! It's going to be life changing!!!
Here's to a busy summer and hopes that I will continue to feed my oh so hungry blog!
I'll leave this post with some pictures from this past Spring!

Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...