Saturday, July 11, 2009

Find your niche

I've been blessed this summer to be a part of a writing group. But, this is not just any writing group. We are the Great Bear Writer's of 2009! This has been a summer of becoming a better teacher, while improving my writing skills at the same time. It just doesn't get any better than that! Our days are filled with sharing our stories and ideas that are effective in our classrooms. I am overwhelmed with the wealth of knowledge and exploding ideas I will be bringing back to my students this coming year! I have a confidence, unlike ever before, that my students are going to be the best writers they can be and they are going to love it. I just know they will!

This writing group has awakened the bear, for Spring, that resides within me. I LOVE TO WRITE! I never thought I would say that. I have had the opportunity for the past three weeks to concentrate on something that has been buried for a long time. The old saying, "practice makes perfect" rings true for me this summer. While, I'm not perfect, I've gotten better and I owe that only to the mere fact that I have practiced everyday since I started this journey.

Yesterday, we spent the day in downtown Little Rock's River Market in a writing marathon. We found different spots sprinkled throughout this area all day long. We were divided into our writing groups, which made me feel secure. See, I've become very close to the ladies that make up this group. We have shared life stories and even written fictional ones. There is a sense of freedom that comes from writing. Within this freedom, we have shared things that will only stay within our group and for that I am grateful!

During this marathon downtown, I took lots of pictures, I guess that makes me a visual person. I noticed lots of different people and found myself writing about my observations, mostly. People are so interesting and you can certainly find some of the most interesting here. I tend to write most of what comes from my heart and those are my experiences with my Savior, Jesus Christ. Anne Lamott talks about our need to get out our personal emotions as we begin as writers, so I guess that is where I am. I have written about a lot of emotion, which always returns to Jesus. All of who I am and have become I owe to Him!

While, I'm not to the publishing line of my writing ruler, I suppose I will share some soon. However, I have found a niche to add to my list and want to encourage you to find yours, as well. Who knows? writing just might be yours, too. You might be surprised. Just give it a whirl, entertain yourself, write for a few minutes every single day! There may be a sleeping bear waiting to be awakened within yourself.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Life goes on............

even when I do not post! It's been a long while. Life is still continuing at an assiduous rate.

I thought summer was for resting. HA HA HA!!! But, I can honestly say, I enjoy being busy and having things "TO DO".

The kids have VBS this week and are excited about that.

Kathryn just turned 2o months old. WOW!

Audrey finished 3rd grade and will be 9 on the 22nd.

Alex finished kindergarten and we are finally celebrating his 6 bday this Friday(big deal, considering he's been 6 since April).

I finished 4th grade and Jim completed one year of Daddy DayCare!

We have just about packed everything up from our 2nd home at the ball field. Alex has his last game Monday and Audrey finished Thursday night.
We survived our first year of mommy going back to work! It was a challenge, but we persevered!!!

The Sunday after VBS, Audrey and I leave for Summer Church Camp, here. We're really excited about it! It's going to be a super sensational week of total Focus on Jesus!!! :) It just doesn't get any better than that!

The weekend we return we head to North Little Rock to shack up with my parents. I start the Summer Writing Institute at UCA for a full month! I cannot wait to begin! It's going to be life changing!!!
Here's to a busy summer and hopes that I will continue to feed my oh so hungry blog!
I'll leave this post with some pictures from this past Spring!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Summer Writing Institute

I was accepted to the UCA Great Bear Writing Project and I'm thrilled! This is where I'll be spending 4 weeks of my summer!!!

So the Murphy clan will be packing up and living with Mawsie and Papa June 22-July 16. We'll come home on the weekends, I'm sure!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

17 Things about Kathryn (17 Months)

1. Her precious little smile
2. How she is standing in her crib, when I walk into her room.
3. She always brings things to us like a little helper
4. She asks "what eez it" about everything.
5. When she sees someone she says, "who eez it?"
6. Her chubby little arms and legs.
7. How she lies her head on her shoulders and smiles real big when she is proud of herself.
8. She calls her pacifier her sassy.
9. She LOVES animals.
10. She loves to play 'night night'.
11. She loves Eggo waffles.
12. She loves Outzi (outside).
13. When you ask her for a hug, she gives a BIG ONE and says, "ooh".
14. She climbs on everything. (Jim found her standing up on Audrey's play kitchen)
15. She cheers for Audrey and Alex at their basketball games.
16. She loves to look at books.
17. How much she adores Audrey and Alex!

(These photos were taken by Julie Brooks)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Project 365

Okay, I've jumped in, like Julie has encouraged me to. It's scattered and uneven right now, but I figure I have to start somewhere. You can find out about it on Julie's blog or you can hop on over here.

I have placed my photos and journaling on . I don't know much about it, just went with the suggestion from this blog.

I encourage you, jump in and give it a whirl, I think you'll be glad you did!!!

My photoblog is here.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

100 Days of School

Kindergarten makes a big deal out of the 100th day of school, which is really exciting for the kids. In turn, this means the parents get to make some projects and do some counting of their own.

Alex is all about sports so I thought I would sew on 100 sports beads to his shirt. Oh yeah! Great idea, Beth! 2 hours later, I was asking myself what in the world was I thinking? I didn't even have any rhyme or reason to the placement of the beads and it was a total experiment as you can see from his shirt. LOL!! He didn't care, he was proud! Alex stuck on transportation stickers to his poster, and I counted out 100 pieces of cereal, beans and pennies to send along for their activities at school.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sharing other bloggers

This precious lady posted on my blog about food allergies. As I clicked around in search to respond to her, I stumbled all over her blog and fell in love with all of her creations and words of wisdom. So, if interested, check her out here. :) This particular post spoke volumes to me.