Saturday, February 28, 2009

17 Things about Kathryn (17 Months)

1. Her precious little smile
2. How she is standing in her crib, when I walk into her room.
3. She always brings things to us like a little helper
4. She asks "what eez it" about everything.
5. When she sees someone she says, "who eez it?"
6. Her chubby little arms and legs.
7. How she lies her head on her shoulders and smiles real big when she is proud of herself.
8. She calls her pacifier her sassy.
9. She LOVES animals.
10. She loves to play 'night night'.
11. She loves Eggo waffles.
12. She loves Outzi (outside).
13. When you ask her for a hug, she gives a BIG ONE and says, "ooh".
14. She climbs on everything. (Jim found her standing up on Audrey's play kitchen)
15. She cheers for Audrey and Alex at their basketball games.
16. She loves to look at books.
17. How much she adores Audrey and Alex!

(These photos were taken by Julie Brooks)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Project 365

Okay, I've jumped in, like Julie has encouraged me to. It's scattered and uneven right now, but I figure I have to start somewhere. You can find out about it on Julie's blog or you can hop on over here.

I have placed my photos and journaling on . I don't know much about it, just went with the suggestion from this blog.

I encourage you, jump in and give it a whirl, I think you'll be glad you did!!!

My photoblog is here.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

100 Days of School

Kindergarten makes a big deal out of the 100th day of school, which is really exciting for the kids. In turn, this means the parents get to make some projects and do some counting of their own.

Alex is all about sports so I thought I would sew on 100 sports beads to his shirt. Oh yeah! Great idea, Beth! 2 hours later, I was asking myself what in the world was I thinking? I didn't even have any rhyme or reason to the placement of the beads and it was a total experiment as you can see from his shirt. LOL!! He didn't care, he was proud! Alex stuck on transportation stickers to his poster, and I counted out 100 pieces of cereal, beans and pennies to send along for their activities at school.

Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...