Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Little Miss Prissy

She thought she was something else when she realized she was standing up in the chair without holding on. She is getting too brave. :) In the last picture you should be able to see her first tooth just a shining!


Anonymous said...

Hi Beth, I was just googeling looking for mom's who have a broken foot. Found your blog. You broke you foot in April? Did you have surgery? I broke my foot and sprained my other ankle, on June 1 and found out I needed surgery on July 1, and am now very frustraited, just wondering how your surgery went, and how long did it take to recover?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't know how to do these comment things, you need my email to return a comment Im thinking. Laurasva@aol.com

Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...