Oh I'm so thankful for many things. Most of all........my family. I'm so thankful to have a precious sister that means the world to me. I have an adorable baby brother, who is finishing up his senior year at the University of Arkansas. I cannot believe it. I'm so proud of him!!!! It has been such a wonderful week here in Little Rock. We have already shopped and had, umm, yes a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks(yumarama). My sister and mom are steadily baking and cooking in the kitchen, as I sit here and play on my laptop. And let me tell you it is smelling delicious. My wonderful niece, Natalie, colored my hair Tuesday night. Yes, with a $3 box from Target and I think she did a fabulous job. Thanks Nat!!!!! Natalie is a junior at the U of A, too. She is getting a degree in Elementary Education(taking after her aunt) *wink* So proud of you. I'm so thankful for this time I'm getting with my family. We are having such a wonderful time together. We are planning for an early morning outing tomorrow to get ahead on those FAB deals. Wish us luck!!! I hope everyone is having a marvelous Thanksgiving. I'll leave you with some pictures of these great people!
I started this post 2 weeks ago and well, here it finally is.
This was one busy week! It was Red Ribbon Week at school, so we had several fun days planned at school. It started with soldiers against drugs (camo day), we had sock it to drugs day(crazy socks) and drugs are scary (scary hair day). The kids and I carved a pumpkin on Sunday, because I was carving two on Monday with with my classes and I needed a little practice. They had a ball! We had a terrific time at our fall festival at FBC!!! WE love our church and thank you to all the wonderful people who helped make it such a huge success. Thanks to Brian Brooks, our youth minister, who has taken on so many extra responsibilities, since we do not have a minister or a minister of education. We appreciate you so much!! :) I know that most of what goes on would not take place if it weren't for you and the time you give to our church. Thanks to you and Julie for the time you give to all of us! We had parties at school for Halloween and that was so exciting. The kids were pumped all day long to celebrate that afternoon. We listened to Halloween music all day and my classes wrote some terrific Halloween stories. I was so proud. :) Several families meet at our house for neighborhood trick or treating! We always have such a good time. The kids were having a ball and they were literally racing from house to house. It was wild!!! Kathryn had such a wonderful time watching all the trick or treaters.