Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sharing other bloggers

This precious lady posted on my blog about food allergies. As I clicked around in search to respond to her, I stumbled all over her blog and fell in love with all of her creations and words of wisdom. So, if interested, check her out here. :) This particular post spoke volumes to me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I've got some growing up to do!!!

These past few weeks have been extremely frustrating for me. With Jim's travels, this horrible cold I have been fighting, and the demands from work, I have found myself having a bit of a pity party. Thank you God for making me see that it is not all about me. I just wanted to share my daily devotional from Beth Moore's Breaking Free series.

For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and no one is like Me.
Isaiah 46:9

We make life so much more complicated when we think life is "all about us." The rest of the world never cooperates. No one else got the memo. When we see ourselves as the center of the universe, we live in constant frustration because the rest of creation refuses to revolve around us.

Life vastly simplifies, and satisfaction greatly amplifies, when we begin to realize our awesome roles. God is God. From our perspective, it's all about Him. He is the center of the universe. We seek to please Him. He seeks to perfect us-and life works. Not without pain, but definitely with purpose.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Makin' the Most of My Day

I've been fighting a terrible cold. I wanted to get so much done this weekend, since I am off work tomorrow. But, that didn't happen. Instead I've been couchridden all weekend fighting a cold. Today I scrapped and made the most of my time. :)

Shabby Miss Jenn

Weeds and Wildflowers Designs

Ashley County Gospel Music Hall of Fame

Jim was inducted last night! I was so proud of him. What an honor it was. He received the Horizon Award. We enjoyed some wonderful gospel music last night to make the evening even more special. For By Grace performed and we thoroughly enjoyed them. These men have incredible hearts for God, and their music was awesome. It was a good ole' time! Jim performed "Bowed on My Knees", and did an amazing job! I love you honey and congratulations for all your hard work and dedication!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Busy Bee

I was so pumped when Alex told me he was chosen for Busy Bee. This year has been a bumpy adjustment. The silly active little boy he is found it a bit hard to always follow the rules. BUT, he has made huge strides and is doing great! So, this was one award that was well earned! And made Mommy and Daddy very proud! Audrey and I met Jim at Alex's school and we got to eat a special lunch with him.

He loves kindergarten and enjoys playing and learning. He never complains about anything. He has an amazing teacher and we are all crazy about Mrs. Harper. She is doing such a wonderful job with Alex and her class. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Scrapped a Christmas Page

I just LOVED this picture of Jim's sister, Olivia, reading to Kathryn. :) So, I made a page using Shabby Princess "Twas the Night".

Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...