Monday, January 12, 2009

Busy Bee

I was so pumped when Alex told me he was chosen for Busy Bee. This year has been a bumpy adjustment. The silly active little boy he is found it a bit hard to always follow the rules. BUT, he has made huge strides and is doing great! So, this was one award that was well earned! And made Mommy and Daddy very proud! Audrey and I met Jim at Alex's school and we got to eat a special lunch with him.

He loves kindergarten and enjoys playing and learning. He never complains about anything. He has an amazing teacher and we are all crazy about Mrs. Harper. She is doing such a wonderful job with Alex and her class. :)


Melissa said...

Way to go Alex, good job buddy!!

Anonymous said...

Good job Alex!!

Melissa McCone said...

Yeaaa for Alex. Maybe he can give Sydney a few pointers. I don't know what I'm going to do with this girl. I'm really worried! We are working for that busy bee. She loves to talk and be silly, but at least she admits to it all, lol. Congratulations Alex!!