Thursday, February 14, 2008


I hope everyone has had a blessed Valentine's Day. I hope you had a chance to share with those who mean the most to you. It's so important that we let those around us know, how much we care for them. :D
Well, I wanted my reader's to know how much I appreciate them, so I thought it would be a perfect idea to share some yummy blog candy with you all!
Leave a short comment about someone that means a WHOLE LOT to you. And I will choose a winner and announce them Sunday night. You have until midnight CST Saturday to post a comment.

The blog candy is Jim's new cd. In celebration of his latest release!

Here is the little heart shaped box I decorated for him for Valentine's. I cut out 10 heart shaped pages and put them inside along with the 10 reasons why I love him!

Now, get to commenting so you can win some great blog candy!!! :D :D


Deb said...

Someone who means a whole lot to me. . .

There are so many someones in my life that mean so much!

Tonight I'll choose my best friend. She does the kindest things for my family. She knows when I am having a rough day without even talking to me and does something to make it better. She listens with her whole heart. She doesn't judge. She loves me unconditionally. And she had dinner all ready for my family tonight - knowing that Valentine's Day with first graders and then piano lessons after school would leave me worn out.

She's ONE someone who means a whole lot to me.

Anonymous said...

My children are the sweet spirits of my soul. My daughter has grown up to be such a lovely lady, someone I look up to and am so proud of. My son is growing into a sweet young man with good values and character that I am also very proud of. I am very blessed and so thankful to be their mom.

Unknown said...

Cute heart box that you decorated. I feel blessed to have so many special people in my life. The one that I feel truly blessed to have in my life is my mom. She will be 85 this April. She raised me and my brother on her own. For an income she took in ironing and babysat. She has taught me so much. Now it is my turn to take care of her as she is unable to get around and her memory is starting to fail. She means the world to me. Thanks for such a nice giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
I just found your site through another site
It is amazing how God can just lead you down paths to other sites on the web and receive such a blessing. By doing this, I found your husband's site and I love the CD. The words are so beautiful and meaningful.

So on to the reason I am writing . . . someone that means a the world to me today . . . has to be my wonderful husband, Jeff. Boy, has he put up with a lot from me lately. He has been so supportive and understanding because I have not been the easiest person to live with for the past few weeks. This is due to having to change a Rx that I have been on for over 13 years. My doctors tried something else which had me bouncing off the walls (literally), snapping at everyone that walked in my path, and then having an allergic reaction that made me itch all over. So I have been a true witchy and itchy person. But through it all, he loves me unconditionally. He brought me flowers for Valentines, sent me the sweetest card, and took me out for a wonderful dinner. I am so thankful to God for the wonderful man that is in my life for 26 years now and we have many, many more to go!

Sarah said...

Julie send me over here so I thought I'd leave a comment!

My mom is the one that means the most to me. She's always there for me when I need someone to talk to and no matter what it is, she never judges me based upon it. Even though she may have been strict when I was a teen, I now realize that she was only doing her job and showing her love by protecting me. I really have no idea where I would be without my mom, my best friend.

Very cute heart box.. I did something like that last year for my boyfriend! Loves it! And your husbands music is absolutely beautiful! Your one lucky girl!

Mrs. Nancy G said...

So many people mean so much for me. My parents, my children, my church family.... who tops it all would be my husband. God gave me a special gift when he blessed me with my husband Andrew.

Thanks for letting me share.


iteach said...

Of course, my loving Father means everything to me. Without Him there would no way of understanding what true love means. He has blessed me with a fantastic husband, wonderful daughters and their husbands, granddaughters and a soon to be here grandson, as well as good friends.

I have been blessed more than I can possibly tell, and I am happy to say I have shared those blessing with my husband who has been beside me through out it all. He means the world to me.

I am listening to this CD from your husband's My Space link and it is fabulous! He is a very talented young man who is in a position to share his faith with many! What a precious blessing that must be!

Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...