Friday, April 18, 2008

Well, my mom is coming today and I'm so excited. I love when she visits and the kids do too! She will be here to give me some rest and much needed help! My foot seems so much better, but I think I have pushed myself too much this week. So, it will be nice to have my mom here for some good visiting and for the support. My mom is so awesome and I so treasure the relationship we have. I am so incredibly blessed to have a mom like her. She is the best!!! I hope I can be to my kids what she has been to me. :) I have Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants from Netflix, so we'll try and fit that in sometime this weekend too. Our Ladies Luncheon is at church tomorrow and we've been planning for awhile. I'm going to attend for part of the day. I think as long as I can elevate my foot, I will be okay. :)

Here are some pics from Alex's birthday night. He opened up his gifts from us and he was quite happy with his Star Wars ships and legos. We've had a ball playing with his legos. Yesterday, he and I sat and built lots of things. I realized how big he had gotten when he was actually looking at the instructions and finding the pieces and putting the truck and house together. WOW!!! I was so amazed. I enjoyed that time we had together. With 3 kids it's definitely a challenge to ensure that one on one time with each of them. I do my very best~I hope they know that! :)

I hope this Friday finds everyone happy and doing well! I will end with an excerpt from my pastor's (Jeff Smart) sermon on Christmas Eve 2006. Are you prepared for Jesus? The bible talks about 3 ways we can be prepared for Jesus through Fear, Fellowship and Faith.

PSALM 2:11-12

Psalm 2:11 "Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling" Our fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. We must recognize God as the source of all wisdom, no number of life experiences or education will make us wise without God at the certain of the learning experience. All wisdom comes from Him.
Psalm 2:12 "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way" Fellowship with the LORD, Embrace Him and surrender completely. To be ready for his coming, we must submit to his leadership every single day. The phrase "Kiss the Son" actually means to surrender fully to Christ, he is the king of our Hearts and Lives. "for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him." Now for faith in the LORD, we must have it and use it. This requires believing in what you cannot see.
These things will prepare us for Christ's return. Fear, Faith and Fellowship. Do you have it? Are you close? Do you find yourself closer, then slip back? Be encouraged today to take that step and surrender fully to the LORD! It's worth every second of it. Do you know Christ as your personal savior? I do and I know where my eternal life will be. Heaven eternally with my maker, my best friend, my healer, my refuge, the lover of my soul,............If you do not know the LORD, don't wait another second. Ask him into your heart!!!
Let's encourage each other and lift each other up! Take up the cross daily and be a living sacrifice for God. Share your testimony with someone who doesn't know the LORD, encourage them to find him. Help lead them there. :)

May God be with you and bless you fully!!!

I Love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say I love reading your blog! What a treasure you are as a friend!!

Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...