Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy 6 Months, Baby!

My baby is already 6 months old. WoW! My heart is softening as I think of all the precious memories she has already made for us and added to our family. What a blessing she has been. Having a 3rd child, for me, is like getting an opportunity to really absorb this special time. With my 1st child, I was so anxious and worried about everything being perfect, reading every book out there to see that I was doing it just right. No wonder she is a perfectionist!?* My 2nd child, I was more laid back and certainly not worrying about things being "just so". Now with my 3rd one, I realize none of that even matters. She will be just fine even if I don't follow the book and the biggest one of all, NO 2 kids are the same. They are all made to their own individuality. How amazing that every single human God created/creates is different. What an awesome thought!

Kathryn is eating solids now. She loves them! She naps twice a day, if she can. Between preschool and grade school, picking up Alex and Audrey she is lucky to get one good nap in. Then there is tball practice, dance, girl scouts and church. She lives in her car seat while I taxi everyone around. :) She is such a super great baby! She has been waking a bit in the past week. I think she is cutting her first tooth, due to the buckets of drool she stays soaked in. :} She is sitting up and rolling over! She squeals with delight now. She has discovered this high pitched squeal and loves to make it, much to my dismay. HA!

1 comment:

Amy said...

your kids are beautiful Beth! I stopped at two, so I never felt "really" comfortable, but it was definitely easier the second time around! You've been blessed girl!


Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...