Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Me and My Family

I have been so blessed to stay at home with my children. I cannot imagine what I would rather be doing more. My mom has always reminded me that I have the rest of my life to work and that I will never get these years back.............. So, I have chosen to stay at home as long as it continues to be manageable. :D God has truly blessed me!

I taught 4th grade for 3 years, which I cherish those memories so much. I thoroughly enjoy young children. It was such a pleasure to have that time with those kids. I pray that I made a difference in their life. I loved them as if they were my own. :D Teaching school is an awesome job!

I married my INCREDIBLE husband in the summer of 1997. We dated in college for a little over a year before we tied the knot. **WINK** I fell in love with his beautiful smile and oh so sensitive heart. He is an amazing man. He loves the Lord and has chosen to share his voice as a ministry! I support him 100% and believe in him wholeheartedly! You can visit his website Jim Murphy for more info. His latest album is set to release Feb 12. Check it out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. **insert proud smile here**

Audrey is 7 and our first child. She definitely possesses traits of a first child. She is so independent, stubborn, a perfectionist, smart, hardworking, funny and beautiful. She is such a joy to us and has been since the day she was born. She is in the 2nd grade!

Alex is 4 and our 2nd born. WOW! What a little man! He is a very physical child. He loves to be going and doing and has always been that way. He loves ALL sports! He is outgoing, silly, sweet spirited, smart and handsome! He brought additional joy to our lives the day he was born! He is in preschool.
Baby Kathryn is 3 months old and what an amazing blessing she has been. She is such a precious gift to us all. Audrey and Alex adore her so much and are the best big brother and sister ever! Audrey helps me out so much and Alex makes sure she gets plenty of attention with hugs and kisses at any given time of the day! **insert happy heart here** She is full of so much life and joy. She is smiling and talking all of the time now. I can't wait to see what her little personality will bring out!

Take a moment and reflect on your family and what each one offers. Isn't it neat how each of us have traits that make our family complete? My heart warms so much when I think of the awesome individuality of each of my family members. :D
I will begin posting my paper creations soon! I love getting my hands on paper and making new things!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to blog world!! Your blog looks great and what a beautiful family!! I'm glad we get to call yall "FRIENDS!"
I can't wait to see your paper creations. Get busy!!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family and your hubby's cd is awesome! So glad he chose to use that voice for the Lord!

Chris Streeter Davis said...

What an amazing family you have. And how do you have time to do all of those creative things!? :)
Lovely blog, you are such an inspiration.

Hello from Third Period in Room 300 For as long as I can remember, creating things, journaling, making videos, collecting stickers, rearrang...